Who’s coming
Thanks to those who have registered!
Here are the people who have registered so far. Thanks guys ! This list will be updated every day. If you don’t find yourself in, don’t worry! If you have registered, we got you! If you haven’t registered, please do it! It only takes a minute and it really helps us a lot to get things ready when you arrive! Thanks heap!
* Christopher Adams, Fabricatorz
* Christian Ambaud, Organisation int. de la Francophonie (OIF – IFN)
* Jean-Francois Baconnet, FAR Colony
* Davin Baragiotta, Montréal-Python
* Diane Beauséjour, ICGQ
* Lucas Beeler, Yorba Foundation
* Kai-Uwe Behrmann, OpenICC / Oyranos
* Kurth Bemis
* Sofian Benaissa, Koumbit.org
* Olivier Berten, SwatchBooker
* Louis Bouchard, Université de Montréal – Lab Vision3d
* Guillaume Bouilly, École Polytechnique de Montréal
* Sherry Broyles
* João Bueno, GIMP
* Andrew Busuioc
* Ana Carvalho, Libre Graphics Magazine
* Lavie Chabon, Mes MusiCouleurs/VEGESIGNES
* Coline Claude-Lachenaud
* Jon Cruz, Inkscape
* Donall Cutter, CFPV
* Hong Phuc Dang, FOSSASIA
* Marie Dauverné
* Elisa de Castro Guerra, Floss Manuals fr
* Louis Desjardins, Libre Graphics Meeting, Scribus
* Bernard Devillers, Mikros Image
* Mamadou Diagne, DakarLUG
* Adam Dingle, Yorba
* Gilles Dubuc, deviantART
* Alina Dumitrescu,
* Jean-François Fortin Tam, PiTiVi
* Rahul Garg, McGill University
* Jean Ghali, Scribus
* Timothée Giet, Krita
* Isabelle Guichard, Pappas Design studio
* Michael Halpert, deviantART
* John Haltiwanger, Open Source Publishing
* Christina Haralanova, Foulab
* Richard Hughes, Red Hat
* Pete Ippel, I make art and share ideas
* Bart Kelsey, OpenGameArt.org
* Claudia Krummenacher, Scribus
* Fil Krynicki, University of Waterloo
* Andrew Kuchling, Python Software Foundation
* Ben Lafreniere, University of Waterloo / AdaptableGIMP
* Ricardo Lafuente, Libre Graphics Magazine
* Marc Lariviere, Illustration Quebec
* Tom Lechner, Laidout, Laxkit
* Matt Lee, Foo Communications
* Kuifeng Lee, MadButterfly
* Sophie Leroy, SAT
* Isaac Lin, Ericsson Canada
* Julianna Lin, Xerox
* Peter Linnell, Scribus
* Ludivine Loiseau, OSP
* Arthur Magill, Centre d’Imagerie BioMédicale (CIBM)
* John Malloy
* Pierre Marchand, Fontmatrix, Fonzie, OSP, Scribus
* Sylvère Moulanier, realfreeworld.com
* Jon Nordby, MyPaint
* Martin Owens, Indie
* Benoit Ozell, Ecole polytechnique de Montréal
* Pierros Papadeas, Fedora, Mozilla
* Gilles Pénissard, Individuel
* Brad Phillips, Fabricatorz
* Jon Phillips, Fabricatorz
* Danny Piccirillo, Free Software Foundation
* Gregory Pittman, Scribus
* Christine Prefontaine
* Alexandre Quessy, Toonloop
* Boudewijn Rempt, Krita
* Alessandro Rimoldi, Scribus / Libre Graphics Meeting
* Nicolas Robidoux, Laurentian University/VIPS+ImageMagick+GEGL
* Sébastien Roy, Université de Montréal
* Eric Schrijver, schr.fr
* Celine Semaan-Vernon
* Femke Snelting, Constant, OSP
* Susan Spencer, tmtp
* Heidi Strohl, Koumbit.org
* Michael Terry, AdaptableGIMP
* Rene Tetreault, CFPV
* Barry Threw, Obscura Digital, Fabricatorz
* Lukáš Tvrdý, Krita
* Stéphane Vasseur, Tractr
* Stéphanie Vidal
* Andreas Vox, Scribus
* Christopher Webber, Creative Commons
* Nathan Willis, Create
more to come…
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